Stay Motivated- 1 Corinthians 15:58

Stay Motivated- 1 Corinthians 15:58 The verse above firstly tells us to "Be Steadfast", which means to be spiritually strong such that no matter what the circumstance our faith will not be shaken, or in simple terms means to have unwavering faith. At the beginning of our spiritual journey, just like a young child, we may be weak, spiritually, and at that time God will be our strength. And as we grow, we will have to take care of ourselves and God being himself will not allow his children to bear more than what they can handle, so lay your foundations of faith strong in God from the beginning till the end Next, it says us to be immovable. As I always say being a believer of Christ, life is not easy. There are hindrances, there are tests, trials and temptations all along this journey, just as Jesus had in His journey on earth. But God never leaves us alone, He comforts us and guides us in some or the other way, through His word or prayer. Some may say that the Work Of The LOR...